Thursday, January 20, 2011

My bags are packed...

I'm ready for snow. Tomorrow is D-Day for our Snow Trip. I was going to say it was my 12th trip, but actually I think it's getting closer to 16 or 17. That's blowing my mind at the moment. Anyway, the Middle School and High School youth are combining forces and numbers and heading out tomorrow.

The coolest part of the whole thing is that all the leaders going were once youth going on the trip...except for one, she never went on the snow trip but she did go on others. I love that they have re-invested in the youth group and I'm looking forward to seeing how God continues to work in and through them this weekend.

Catch ya on the flip side!

1 comment:

trinity said...

Have a great time! I will miss being there with you! I think it is fantastic that your youth are your leaders, what a wonderful proof of your years of faithful ministry and pouring into their lives! Be safe, and know that I am praying for you all!