Thursday, April 25, 2013

A tale from the journey

I sat in a room with 12 other people listening to the presentation overviews being given. Nervous energy raced through my body. My fingers anxiously picked at the rough skin of my right thumb, looking for one dried loose piece of flesh to tear away. My right foot danced up and down, a telltale sign of the uncertainty in my mind.  I could feel it coming. My turn was next.

Steeling my resolve I met the meeting's leaders gaze head on, though everything in me wanted to revert to the hard and fast rule in school "never look authority figures in the eye!"  I was next.  And so I began.

"Fifteen months ago I walked into Mr. So-and-So's office for a job interview..." Two or three minutes later I was done. The overview for my presentation given.  I sat back in my chair and let out a breath of relief.  That's when I heard Mr. So-and-So say, "I think we hired the right person."

They didn't know, those 12 people, that the last time I made a presentation to a group of adults was in a church.  They didn't know that last presentation was on my most favorite Scripture passage in the Bible.  They had no way in knowing that in the last presentation I gave I talked about standing on a ledge, looking over a gap wondering if I  enough faith to take the step, the leap of faith if you will, to change my world.

I sat back in my chair, took a cleansing breath and felt, for the first time in a year and seven months, confident.  I have no idea where life is taking me.  I do not know where I will be a year from now but today I am relaxing into the role I have found myself in, grateful for the leap of faith that has brought me here.

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