Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week in review

This has been a busy week. My Monday started earlier than usual and I've been running around ever since! It's amazing how busy life gets at certain points in the year. There is usually a lull in activity between Easter and summer, but it never lasts long. My lull was two weeks long. Now there are things scheduled almost every weekend through the middle of June.

Monday I got to spend a few hours being pampered and talking with a friend. We always wind up in some great theological discussions. It's always nice to share what I'm learning with a friend.

Tuesday and Wednesday are youth group nights which always brings about a whole lot of activity for me. I spent a lot of time looking over the curriculum for the next few weeks and preparing for some special events we have coming up. Throw in staff meeting, walking with K and the boys plus Bible Study with some of the High School students and my days were full. Oh and doing a few things that I would normally do on Thursdays because...

Thursday I went to my 2nd to last Come Away day of the season. I didn't have any major revelations but spent my time asking God a lot of questions. I'll let you know if I get any answers. After my Come Away I headed for meeting about the YAD's special event for General Assembly. We are 9 weeks away from General Assembly in SJ! I'm in charge of the t-shirts for the event amongst other things. It's kind of exciting to be a part of the planning for GA. After that meeting I headed back home for another meeting about Tapestry. I got home 12 hours after I left.

Friday was prom night for one of the local high schools. I have always wanted to do something for the students and never got my act together. This year, though, I offered to host a dinner for any students going to prom. That meant that I spent most of Friday, after Morning Glories Bible Study, going to Costco, cooking and helping with the transformation of the fireside room into the Fireside Bistro. It was amazing! A couple college students acted as the hostess and waitress, dressing up nicely and everything. We had so much fun that the college students now want to hold a college prom. This may become a tradition.

Saturday was a workday at the church, after which I got in a few hours of remote time (whoever decided that NCIS should have marathons on Saturday really, really is evil. I never watched that show until now!)

Today I was up extra early to put together the MediaShout for the 1st service, which I had neglected to do on Saturday. In a few minutes I am headed out the door for a Baby Shower and then it's time for RAW. And that, my friends was my week.

How was your week?

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