Sunday, January 4, 2009

Not a morning person

I am not a morning person...never have been and don't have any desire to be one either. It's a standing joke in my family that I wake up at 10am. I like the afternoons and the evenings, which is why my job is the perfect one for me...lots of night activities. Sunday morning is literally the only day in which I have to be at work by 8am.

But then there are weeks like last week, where my ability to be flexible and perky before 10am is seriously tested. Sometimes I fail miserably and snap people's heads off. Other times I can pull it together with the help of Diet Pepsi and White Chocolate Mochas. For our week in Pearlington we had to be out the door every morning by 7:30am for our 20 minute drive into Pearlington to be at work by 8am. I know, there's a 10 minute lee-way in there. I have learned with this group that we need that 10 minute cushion. I wake up best by taking showers in the morning, so I was the first one up most mornings usually between 6 and 6:15am. Yuck. I was surprisingly perky. Not kidding. Yo Momma can even tell you, I was a pretty happy morning person. What made this even more spectacular was the late nights. I think the earliest I went to bed all week was 10:30 and I think that happened once. Sleep deprivation, early mornings and still I was happy most mornings.

The last morning though, oh that was a tough one. We didn't work on Friday and could sleep in until 8am. I was wide awake at 7am and decided to just enjoy the quiet house and read my book (Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, I'm really enjoying it so far). Wouldn't you know it, the young adults that had been complaining about having to get up so early in the morning and who rejoiced the night before at time to sleep in, those same young adults were up and stinkin' perky at 7:30am. I could literally feel the black cloud gather over my head and it all just went down hill from there. I tried really hard not to snap any one's heads off and kept my mouth shut but I had to wonder, why, on the last morning of the trip, did my "not a morning persona" have to rear it's ugly head? Mystifying.

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