Monday, May 3, 2010

He's growing up

Yesterday was Kid's Sunday at church. They took the ball and ran with it! Train Guy and Adventure Boy joined the group and played their instruments with pride amongst the verses of Psalm 150.

As the service ended, all the kids ran to the back of the sanctuary to greet people as they left church. Train Guy hesitated for a moment and then ran to the back...Adventure Boy refused to put his shoes on and wailed during the benediction because he wanted to join them but didn't want to do what he was that boy.

Anyway, Train Guy can be a pretty shy guy at times, so for him to be shaking hands with people, in my estimation, was a big deal. So I said something to that affect and ya know what he said, "Actually it was really a lot of fun. I liked it." *Sigh* He's growing up.

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