Sunday, August 31, 2008

Storm watch w/update

It seems ironic to me that I'm sitting today watching the news, praying fervently for those I know in Pearlington and preparing to leave on vacation tomorrow. Three years ago as Hurricane Katrina headed towards the Gulf Coast I was going on vacation. This time, though, I'm will have news access the whole time I'm gone.

Today we've learned that our friends in Pearlington are under a mandatory evacuation notice. This morning I thought of Miss Sandra and the Bailey's who won't leave their homes easily. I thought Mr. Keyes and Ms. Shirley. I thought of the Taylor's and the Wake's and the Earl's. I'm praying for their safety, for their protection and for wisdom in the midst of anxiety and stress.

Last night on the news as the ticker tape scrolled across the screen I saw this: 7000 residents in the Gulf Coast still living in trailers. The residents of the Gulf Coast are still trying to resettle after Katrina, it seems so wrong that they have to brace for Gustav now. Yet as hard as we try we can't stop nature. So I watch, wait and fervently pray.

UPDATE: For those who know Ben and Sue, they've evacuated (Tom's with them) and are concerned about storm surges. The news isn't saying much about anything other than NOLA so I'll update when I hear from Tom again. Pray!

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