Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dear Payten,

Welcome to the world. Today you have rocked the world of your Mom and Dad, changing their names, made your grandparents legit and changed my name as well. We couldn't be happier.

Your appearance in the world hasn't gone unnoticed by those in my life who changed my name too. Train Guy is a little concerned that you will usurp the time I have for him. He doesn't realize that he will see me probably more than you. That makes me sad but that's what happens when we live so far apart. Adventure Boy wanted to see a picture of you immediately. I hope you get to meet them someday.

G.G. and I celebrated your arrival in style. We had pink frosted cookies, chocolates in wrapped in pink foil and pink sparkling wine. We were silly but happy. Uncle R joined in the fray, eating the cookies and laughing at us. Speaking of Uncle R., I need to tell you a secret. He likes to give people a bad time, teasing them and stuff. He doesn't mean anything by it, that's his way. Just give him a smile and a big hug and he will melt. Works like a charm.

There's much more that I have to say but I'm finding the words hard to form, so I'll just say this; Welcome to the world, Payten. You are loved.

~Love Auntie B

Payten Janet Ann, 7lbs 1 oz, August 18, 2009


Me said...

Hello dear sweet Peyton; welcome!
Can I change my name too? I want to be an auntie, and afraid that's not exactly in the stars for me. =) Love, Meg

Brittany said...

I'll share! :)