Saturday, August 13, 2011

One more day...and a link

In 24 hours I will have officially ended my time as employee at church.  It won't be the last time I will be at the church but for right now, I will be worshiping God elsewhere.  It's a big step.  A big journey.  I'm excited about the new adventure.  Excited about where God may take me.  It's good. 

Tomorrow, however, will not pass without a bazillion tears shed.  As I told Yo Momma recently, this is a good-bye of sorts.  Sure, in a couple of weeks I'll be at the VBS re-cap meeting and a couple of weeks after that at the church campout (cuz I just need to) but tomorrow I turn in my church key and this chapter of life as Youth Director will be closed.  It's a good-bye.  The journey has been full of adventures and joys as well as heartaches and despair.  I wouldn't trade it for anything...anything.

I've learned a lot along the way.  I've learned about who I am, who I want to be and what kind of person I was created to be.  I've learned about where my passions are and where they are not.  I've experienced great success and great failure.  I've also come away with a picture of who God is for me.  Not every Christians picture of God is the same, much to my utter dismay.  But occasionally I find someone who sees God like I see God.  Today, I came across an article I'd read a couple of years ago but was reprinted on a blog for today.  The God that is talked about in this article...that's my kind of God.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to have learned that over the last 12 years.

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