Friday, March 30, 2012

What color is your world?

My friend Emily left a comment about a post yesterday.  You can find it for yourself, if you like.  Her comment made me think about how I view life.

I'm not sure if I'm a glass-half-empty or glass-half-full kind of person.  I think it tends to change depending on the situation and how much sleep I've had.  I do know that I don't look at the world and see either black or white.  I look at the world and see a lot of color.

I look out at the world and see a plethora of color, of ideas, attitudes, genetic make-up, past history and future history that creates and molds human beings into the complex beings they are.  I look at problems and situations and don't just see right or wrong but the vast chasm of humanity in between.  I at the trees, plants, animals, all of nature in general and marvel at the details, the complexity of all that is there.  I see a lot of color.

In my judgement, people who only see black and white are missing out, limiting themselves, not seeing the complete picture of the world.  The attitude of "it's either this or that, but can't be anything else" saddens me, frustrates me and leaves the impression of a very small, very cold world.  I know many people who live in the world of black or white.  

I live in a world of color.  A world of confusion and complexity.  I live in a world where there are more things left unanswered than answered.  I live in a world of mystery, of grace, of chaos, of control, of ups and downs, lefts and rights, of beauty and ugliness.  I live in a world that allows people to be people, whether I get it or not.  I live in a world requiring me to recognize and accept the imperfection of people including myself.  I live in a world where I don't have all the answers, where I may never have answers and I have to be okay with that.  I live in a world with a great big God who can do great big mighty things, who knows so much more than I could ever know...and who has created some amazing colors.

What color is your world?

1 comment:

Molly said...

I know what you mean. I have 147 6th graders of every different shade and attitude and family baggage. It's exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way.