Monday, January 21, 2008

A Day Off

Beginning with a side note: Welcome RevGalBlogPals! God has used many of your blogs to speak to me over the last couple of years and I am honored to be a part of the Ring! It just feels good.

Last week I decided that I was going to do something really, really selfish and actually take today off. What is that? You mean actually taking a paid holiday off isn't selfish? Hmmm.... Anyway, I've been wanting to see National Treasure 2 so I invited a couple of students to join me...what's that you say? Taking a day off and still spending time with students doesn't really jive? Hmmm...well, I wasn't at the office, so it still counts!

The movie was surprisingly good. I really liked National Treasure 1, so I wasn't expecting to like the 2nd as much. It was fun, though Nick C's hair was really, really bad. Bad dye job, bad cut, just bad...and I wasn't afraid to share my feelings with Jonathan throughout the movie, every time they had a closeup. Seriously, seriously awful hair.

We walked up and down Pacific Ave after the movie, stopping for pizza and bagels. As we were sitting around the table talking, I suddenly became profoundly grateful. Grateful for the students I was with, for the years of relationship building, for seeing a new friendship blossom between two of the students, for the opportunity to laugh, to share in new memories and to just be me.

Today God reminded me why I'm in Youth Ministry, why I'm in ministry at's about the people, it's about the relationships and it's about loving and knowing I am loved not because of anything I've done but because of who God has made me and gifted me to be. Today was a good day off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the RevGals (from a non-Rev, non-Gal)!