Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The last day of June

On this last day of June, I sat at my desk and flipped over my calendar from June to July. It is admittedly a little premature seeing as today is still June, yet it was a necessary move. I was tempted to switch the one on my bulletin board as well, but resisted the urge; there are just some things you can't rush. Anyway, I flipped over the page from June to July to write something in and all of a sudden realized that I'm a crazy person. The first 8 days in July are relatively sane, though not lacking in things to do with that whole 4th of July thing in there. But after those 8 days, the craziness begins.

The first excursion is gonna be pure fun. Three of my favorite people and I are going the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and are going to see three plays including this one...which happens to be my all-time favorite musical. Ever. Plus we're staying a nice hotel, close to downtown so there's no need to drive, we can just walk. The next excursion three days later will be a quick trip that can't be talked about right now. I'll be home one day and then up to Shasta for a Houseboat trip with a youth group...but not my youth group! Opinionated Friend asked if I wanted to go on her youth group trip to lead music and I said yes. I'm looking forward to just hanging out and not being in charge! I get home to do a Flea Market Fundraiser, preach for the vacationing Pastor and then run my own trip the last week of July. No kidding, I think I've lost my mind.

And yet, I'm looking forward to almost all of it. Plus, there's a outside chance that I'll get to meet Baby #3 on one of those trips...depending on if he takes after his brother and makes his entrance into the world early. I'm looking forward to the adventures. I'm looking forward to the challenges and I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store along the way.

Yep, July is packed and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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